The Most Important Message You Can Share
What is the most important message you can share with your audience? The answer is the one that you carefully craft, nurture, and foster year after year. If you are unclear of the message you are telling the world – the message they receive will also be unclear.
If you were to write your own eulogy, not your obituary which is usually a paragraph long, but your eulogy, which typically lasts five to eight minutes, what would you want the world to know about you?
What would you want them to remember? What is the most important message you can share?
Today’s Most Important Message Assignment
The goal for today is to write that eulogy, and then put it on your “about us” page on your website. This is who you are, and how the world will see you when they visit your website.
Based on what it says, these are the consistencies they will look for when doing business with you, following you, or believing in you.
As a content creator, you get to write the script about the message or the legacy you leave behind.
Recommended Resources:
Eulogy Writing for Beginners!: How to Write the Perfect Eulogy & Funeral Speech
WORKBOOK: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Write an Unforgettable Eulogy
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
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